The Three Top Reasons to Start Using RSS Feeds

Are you looking for a way to generate more traffic to your personal blog or business website? Likely, you are already making use of modern web marketing techniques like newsletters, SEO content, and social media. With that being the case, you might wonder what else you can possible do to get more people to your page. By making use of a RSS news feed you stand to gain a larger following on your site. Here are the top three reasons why.

1. Convenience

Traditionally, when you add a new post to your blog web surfers have had to go to your website to get to it. By adding your website to a news RSS feeds list users can get access to your blog in an extremely convenient location. Consider when companies add themselves to a RSS feed submission list they are aggregated with other feeds all in one place. So, if a reader wants to keep track of all of their favorite sites without having to visit all of them individually they use RSS news feeds lists. Convenience for them means more views for you, according to

2. Self Sufficiency

Using a RSS feed is not limited to getting your site listed. According to WildFireWeb, by featuring a news feed RSS search tool on your web page you become self sufficient. If a user sees a term they do not understand or wants to know more about they can use the tool built into your website to search for more information. This keeps visitors on your page longer instead of sending them away to their nearest search engine site. Say you write a post talking about foodborne illness. Your consumer sees the term “campylobacteriosis” and wants to know more about it. Instead of leaving your site to search for the term, they use your built in search tool. It is all about giving your users a reason to stay longer.

3. Notoriety

News RSS feeds lists are effectively miniature search databases. Whereas a web search is broad, searching all of the net for target keywords, when an internet user searches a RSS feed list they are only going to find topics on pages that have been submitted by their owners. KDweb Hosting and Design adds that this is an incredibly useful, completely free way to increase your traffic, and therefore notoriety, in a short period of time. KDweb is also quick to point out that while many RSS users will stick to what they are given in feed, many others will click through to your actual webpage.

News RSS feeds lists continue to grow in their popularity in mainstream internet culture. They are convenient and they are absolutely free for both publishers and readers alike. After reading these three reasons why RSS is so important, why are you not setting up your own feed right now?